How to Apply Positive Psychology in Workplaces

I sometimes get asked if I am a Psychologist since I have studied Positive Psychology. The answer is no, while Positive Psychology is an area of Psychology, it does not mean that all practitioners would be Psychologists, or that therapy would be the only area where Positive Psychology could be applied. Positive Psychology has successfully been applied in various contexts such as schools and workplaces. Every practitioner applies the tools and research in their own field to support the well-being of their students, employees, patients, clients, community members, and so on.

Prevention Is Better than Cure When It Comes to Burnouts

The working population's mental health has recently been in the headlines in Finland. Big national media outlets such as Yle News and Helsingin Sanomat have reported on increased burnouts among the Finns and the most recent statistics by Kela (the Finnish Social Insurance Institution) show that mental health issues have become the most common reason for sick leaves.

3 Alternatives for “What’s Your Biggest Weakness”

We have all heard this question in a job interview, either when interviewing for a job as the candidate or we have asked it as the interviewer. Indeed, "what's your biggest weakness?" or sometimes, "what are THREE of your biggest weaknesses?" is still one of the most commonly asked questions in job interviews. It is so common that many recruiters and hiring managers just keep asking it in the interviews without ever stopping to think of its purpose.

3 Questions to Ask Your in Your Next Job Interview

Do you have any questions for us? Anyone who has ever interviewed for a job has most likely been asked this question. The reason interviewers like to ask this question is not only because they might want to be courteous toward you by clearing your doubts. No, the real reason why most interviewers offer to answer your questions is because they want to hear what kind of questions you have.

5 Steps to Apply for the Right Jobs

If you have ever been job hunting, you know how frustrating the application process can be. You spend hours looking for positions and writing customized applications to impress the recruiters and hiring managers. You dedicate all that time and get your hopes up only to receive an automated "thank you, but no thank you" email or, in many cases, no response at all. You feel disappointed because you were so sure that you were the right person for that job.

How to Engage Employees Based on Culture

Cultural fit is one of the main building blocks of employee happiness. Not even an above-average salary, free lunches, or other perks can make up for a poor fit between an employee's values and your company culture. In fact, when it comes to attracting and keeping the right people in the long-term, money alone is rarely the main factor.