How to Apply Positive Psychology in Workplaces

I sometimes get asked if I am a Psychologist since I have studied Positive Psychology. The answer is no, while Positive Psychology is an area of Psychology, it does not mean that all practitioners would be Psychologists, or that therapy would be the only area where Positive Psychology could be applied. Positive Psychology has successfully been applied in various contexts such as schools and workplaces. Every practitioner applies the tools and research in their own field to support the well-being of their students, employees, patients, clients, community members, and so on.

Increasing Engagement at Work through Job Crafting

Have you heard of job crafting? Whether you have heard the term before or not, it is likely that you have engaged in the activity of job crafting at some point during your career. In a nutshell, job crafting means modifying your job to make it more engaging and meaningful to yourself. Job crafting can benefit both, the individual employees AND the organization, as it increases well-being and job satisfaction, and helps create better customer experiences and increase productivity.

How to Develop Your Character Strengths

Recently, I have been talking a lot about putting more focus on developing our strengths, rather than spinning our wheels trying to fix weaknesses. Indeed, there is evidence that focusing more on strengths increases both, happiness levels AND productivity.

What Makes Character Strengths So Powerful

One of the key concepts in Positive Psychology is character strengths. When Positive Psychology as a discipline first emerged, the purpose was to study human well-being and what is right with us. Very soon, there was a need for a common language and a way to measure the good in people. Professors Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson together with their team were pioneers in researching character strengths and many other scholars have followed in their footsteps, providing us with a strengths-based approach to living a good and meaningful life.

Why Developing Our Strengths Outshines Fixing Our Weaknesses

Can you recall your last performance review at work? If you do, did your supervisor focus on how you could work on your areas of improvement or did they try to find new ways use your strengths for the organization's goals?

How to Motivate Yourself When Working from Home

Today, I want to write about a challenge that I encountered a couple of months ago. And in the current situation, I am sure I am not the only one who has been, or still is, struggling with this. I am talking about the difficulty of motivating yourself when working from home.

Prevention Is Better than Cure When It Comes to Burnouts

The working population's mental health has recently been in the headlines in Finland. Big national media outlets such as Yle News and Helsingin Sanomat have reported on increased burnouts among the Finns and the most recent statistics by Kela (the Finnish Social Insurance Institution) show that mental health issues have become the most common reason for sick leaves.